Online Magazine
The online version of its printed counterparts, “Aramco World” and “Saudi Armaco World”, the Saudi Aramco World website is a bimonthly e-zine of geography, culture, history people and arts. eSiteful was challenged with taking the print edition and not just reproduce it in an electronic reading environment, but translate it to a new medium for a whole new user experience. To that point, eSiteful created a clean, uncluttered look that integrated the industry’s top-of-the-line search engine and content management system.
A collaborative platform, an enhanced user experience
Published in Houston, Texas by Aramco Services Company, a subsidiary of Saudi Aramco, the online magazine’s editors have worked out of five cities on three continents: New York, Beirut, The Hague, Leiden and Houston. Built in Kentico, this responsive website gives editors, writers and designers a collaborative workflow environment that allows the team to build each article together, seamlessly. More importantly, the new site provides users with new ways of interacting with the content and faster, easier access to what they are looking for regardless of device. In addition to featuring a range of informative articles and award-winning photography, the site also offers users the ability to search archives for more than 1,700 articles that date back to 1960.